Pris from Blade Runner

2008 - Carnaval
Worn at
2009 - Cosplay Ball Signings at Tokyo Toys Shop (London)
2010 - WOTA LONDON promo video
2010 - Japan Expo Paris - 11th Impact

UK, Spain, France


These are, perhaps, the best results I ever had in a costume; I paid special attention to the details. And this is the costume I wore the most. I had to remake the transparent T-shirt since the first fabric I chose was too stiff. Also, I had to remake the big black and sparky part, because I found the perfect sparky fabric in the last minute.
    The character wears a triangled studs necklace, and I couldn't find any triangle stud to buy, so I had to make them myself. I made small molds in plaster and I made the studs in poliester resin.
    I wanted to have the Barbie doll as well, but that specific 50's Barbie doll is a collectionist object, and I can't afford lots of money to just brake an expensive doll in half!. So, I decided to find a straight-arms Barbie, and repaint her face to make her look more like the ones back in the 50's.
    I also made the tiger coat. After one year, I finally could make the lining. Before that, I've been wearing an unfinished coat!
   Some time after, I got a bright umbrella replica from eBay, and I could use it in other photoshoots.

Reference pictures


14th February - Pris' Birthday (London, 2010)

Photos by Mark K. 

Photoshoot (Winchester, 2009)

Photos by Adrian Baxter

Japan Expo 11th Impact (Paris, 2010)

Photos by,, Aztek-TV, Salva (in that order)

Photoshoot (London, 2009)

Photos by Lirin

Photoshoot (Seville, Spain, 2008)

Photos by Ryôga

Misc. (Several events and tests; Spain/UK, 2007-2010)

 Photos by Lirin, myself and Taku (featuring Yaya Han and Giorgia and Luke's Denbys art)